Acupuncture as often applied by the doctors and doctors in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can reduce migraine pain. Similarly, a study suggests. The Italian researchers found that regular treatments with "true" acupuncture helped improve symptoms in 32 patients whose migraines had been resistant to the drug.
Moreover, this therapy worked better than the other two forms of fake acupuncture used for comparison. , The researchers report in the medical journal Headache.
Past studies have yielded conflicting results as migraine treatment with acupuncture. Some researchers consider that inappropriate use of acupuncture, using blunted needles did not pierce the skin and is also said to reduce symptoms such as real acupuncture. Of course this leaves the question about the biological effects of acupuncture.
However, a problem, in this study, there are inconsistencies design (research), also use points or acupuncture points that are not in accordance with point-titk should stabbed.
Acupuncture has been used for more than 2,000 years in Chinese medicine to treat various health problems. According to traditional medicine, specific points on the acupuncture is related to internal pathways that conduct energy, or Qi (chi), and stimulating these points with needles can increase the flow of this Qi.
In the latest study, Dr. Enrico Facco from the University of Padua and his colleagues looked at how traditionally performed acupuncture compared with mock acupuncture technique (without the needle) to prevent migraines.
They randomly prefers 160 migraine sufferers into four groups: In kelompo one, patients received twice-weekly sessions of traditional acupuncture. The second group underwent mock acupuncture. The third group also underwent acupuncture pretend but make use of needles inserted in ttik pivot-point of true acupuncture. And the fourth group was a control group who did not receive acupuncture treatment at all.
More than six months, Facco team found, only the group receiving acupuncture with a needle prick is fitting that experienced healing from migraine compared with the control group. Main novelty of this research is that the therapy was based on traditional medicine, but using western scientific way.
Moreover, this therapy worked better than the other two forms of fake acupuncture used for comparison. , The researchers report in the medical journal Headache.
Past studies have yielded conflicting results as migraine treatment with acupuncture. Some researchers consider that inappropriate use of acupuncture, using blunted needles did not pierce the skin and is also said to reduce symptoms such as real acupuncture. Of course this leaves the question about the biological effects of acupuncture.
However, a problem, in this study, there are inconsistencies design (research), also use points or acupuncture points that are not in accordance with point-titk should stabbed.
Acupuncture has been used for more than 2,000 years in Chinese medicine to treat various health problems. According to traditional medicine, specific points on the acupuncture is related to internal pathways that conduct energy, or Qi (chi), and stimulating these points with needles can increase the flow of this Qi.
In the latest study, Dr. Enrico Facco from the University of Padua and his colleagues looked at how traditionally performed acupuncture compared with mock acupuncture technique (without the needle) to prevent migraines.
They randomly prefers 160 migraine sufferers into four groups: In kelompo one, patients received twice-weekly sessions of traditional acupuncture. The second group underwent mock acupuncture. The third group also underwent acupuncture pretend but make use of needles inserted in ttik pivot-point of true acupuncture. And the fourth group was a control group who did not receive acupuncture treatment at all.
More than six months, Facco team found, only the group receiving acupuncture with a needle prick is fitting that experienced healing from migraine compared with the control group. Main novelty of this research is that the therapy was based on traditional medicine, but using western scientific way.
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